Why It Works

Why does it work?

Providential Homes differentiates itself from others as we see the potential in every person who enters our accommodation.

We stand out for our provision of non-housing-related assistance, contributing to greater stability in the lives of individuals and family groups. We go beyond mere accommodation to facilitate meaningful change.

Our model does not encourage dependency but aims to break the homelessness cycle by providing a positive and supportive environment that allows our guests to have hope and reach the ultimate goal of being in their own home.

We believe in having a WOW factor in our accommodation that makes people feel special with little extras like providing handmade blankets and treats at the end of each bed upon arrival. Our staff strive to always be friendly and compassionate and aware that everyone is on a unique journey.

Further to this, our support does not stop there. When our guests need us beyond their stay in our accommodation we are there as long as it takes for them to get back on their feet.

As Providential believes in a holistic approach, we also work closely with other organisations in order link our guests in with extra services that they may need.

Feel Free to Contact Us

We at Providential believe that everyone deserves a safe and supportive environment, especially during times of crisis.

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